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Are you a Young Photographer??

1) Please don't go crazy and buy the most expernssive equipment when beginning. Start with something small.

- The more pictures you take with your smaller equipment, the easier your pictures will seem to you and once you are comfortable with your cheaper equpiment, try something more challenging.

2) Consider a tripod.

- Tripods are simple and easy to use. I will add a blog on how to use a tripod later. Or you can go research on your own time. Tripods can range from $12.99-$30.00 in price depending on the type you prefer. Using a tripod gives you better balance and allows the shaking of hands to stany minimal.

3) Keep your camera with you all the time.

- This one may be harder to do especially depending on if you are a student, or if you have busy days, but keeping a camera on your person is always a good thing. You never know when something spontaneous may occur and if you don't have your camera, you may regret it.

4) Make a list of shots you would like to do.

- Photography is a very organized occupation. From the shoots, to the sets and costumes there has to be constant organizing. Figure out what shots you would like to take, keep the list handy, and go explore. If you come across something you like, add it to your list and try to find it. Photography is very fun.

5) Don't overlook mundane subjects for photography.

- Sometimes it is hard to find something you may like to take a picture of, but if you look at anything with fresh eyes, you may be surprised at what you can find. There may be a lighting on a bush that is different, or one cloud may be light pink while the rest are white and fluffy. The possibilities are endless.

6) Enjoy thr learning process.

- Even as a professional photographer there is something you can always learn. Learning with photography never ends. Maybe there is a new angle to experiment with, or a new setting. Nothing is ever the same and you can not take the same picture twice. Yes there may be a few pictures that look the same but if looked at closely, the lighting may be different, or the clouds have moved.

7) Take advantage of free resources to learn.

- The Digital Photography School Forum, and many other places are free for learning. Take advantage of these free resources. Many professionals have used them. You can also try a free software called GIMP.

8) Experiment with your camera settings.

- All photographers want to know their camera the best they can so they can use them in any surrounding. Try to experiment with you camera as soon as you can and as much as you can. The more you practice the better you will become at taking pictures.

9) Learn the basic rules.

-Photography Composition Articles Library, Geometrical Composition Guides, How to Compose a Photograph, Gloria Hopkins Articles, Nikonians Composition 101. Hope these help.

10) Take photos regularly

- Anywhere you go, if there is something you like don't be ashamed to take a photo of it. There are countless things to take a photo of.

11) don't be afraid to experiment.

- Experimenting is fun and easy with photography. You can use anything to take a picture of.

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